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UFIT provides the only authorized access to AWS resources for UF. Cloud resources are contained within an account that ensures security and audit requirements are met to protect UF data. The Cloud Enablement team works with constituents to design, build, test and maintain services within AWS.

OneDrive is a cloud file sharing and storage offering for UF students, faculty, and staff which allows for collaboration for both UF and non-UF participants.

UFApps provides access to software applications from any computing device--laptops, tablets, desktops, and smartphones--from any location, at any time. This project began as a one-year pilot project funded by the Student Tech Fee. Due to overwhelmingly positive feedback, UFApps is a full production UFIT service for students and faculty!

MS-SQL hosting provides managed MS-SQL resources from within UFIT's enterprise infrastructure.

MySQL database hosting provides managed MySQL database resources within UFIT's infrastructure.

File Server Hosting provides fully managed file server resources (accessible via SMB or NFS) from within UFIT's existing infrastructure.

Apache Website Hosting provides managed Apache/Linux website resources from within UFIT's infrastructure to run your website.

IIS Website Hosting provides IIS/Windows Server website resources from within UFIT's enterprise infrastructure to run your website.

UFIT provides complete system administration functionality for your servers for your department.

UFIT provides the only authorized access to Azure resources for UF. Cloud resources are contained within an account that ensures security and audit requirements are met to protect UF data. The Cloud Enablement team works with constituents to design, build, test and maintain services within Azure.

Virtual Machine (VM) hosting provides VMs to run dedicated and customized Linux or Windows systems.