Popular Services
UFIT provides telecommunications services for the University of Florida.
Building Network - Wired offers installation and maintenance services for wired networking systems within buildings. This service includes setting up Ethernet cables, network switches, and other necessary hardware to ensure a stable and high-speed internet connection throughout the building. Our team of experienced technicians can design, install, and troubleshoot wired networks to meet the specific needs of businesses or residential buildings.
GatorMail provides email, calendaring, and Global Address Book for students, faculty and staff. The email service also encompasses SMTP, and Proofpoint on-premise mail volume hygiene service.
NaviGator Assistant is the standard platform for UF campus to create simple AI assistants using a curated list of data source. Assistant is part of NaviGator AI suite which provides self-service access to AI services for UF students, faculty and staff.
IT@UF provides customer support for faculty and staff on their UF-owned and managed desktops, laptops, tablets, printers and other workspace devices. TSS and IT Partners - listed at https://it.ufl.edu/itsm/about/structure/it-part... - use myIT ticketing, otherwise contact your departmental or unit IT support team directly for instructions on submitting local IT help requests. If your IT support unit uses myIT ticketing, submit a "UF-Owned Computer and Device Support" help request if you are experiencing problems or want to make a change with your UF-managed devices and services, such as computers, printers, email, browsers, internet connection, network files, etc. This is also the form to use if you want to change access rights for your employees, obtain quotes on software and hardware, or have general IT-related questions. For issues with classroom, computing labs or other equipment publicly available to students, please see the "Classrooms and Learning Space Support" service.
Course Management System - Manages instructional content for faculty and students in Canvas.
UFIT manages and oversees operation of the UF campus intranet. Switches, routers, fiber and copper cables link together the various buildings on campus and connect them to the outside world and to each other. An additional service is to provide the network infrastructure in UF's two Data Centers.
Listserv provides an enterprise email list management platform which allows faculty, staff, and students to handle list subscriptions, allows individualized subscription settings, email distribution, periodic digests, searchable archives, activity reports, distributed list ownership, and message delivery error handling.
NaviGator Toolkit is a collection of AI tools that help UF students, faculty, and staff kickstart their custom applications to make them AI-powered. Additionally, Toolkit provides UF students, faculty, and staff the ability to use several large language models (LLM), image generation models, and text to speech/speech to text models via the UF AI Gateway. Toolkit is part of NaviGator AI suite which provides self-service access to AI services for UF students, faculty and staff.
Provides the administration and maintenance of both static and dynamic IP addresses.
The access request system is the role-based security request system that users utilize to gain access to enterprise applications. Role requests are initiated by Department Security Administrators. For more information, please visit http://identity.it.ufl.edu/process/overview/.
The myUFL portal provides UF students, faculty, and staff with direct access to UF's online resources, information, and systems. From the portal, users have single sign on access to Faculty & Research Services, Financial Information Services, Human Resource Information Services, Student Services, Data Analytics, Data Warehouse, Reporting Services, and Identity & Access Management.
UFIT provides complete system administration functionality for your servers for your department.
Apache Website Hosting provides managed Apache/Linux website resources from within UFIT's infrastructure to run your website.
UF's wireless networks give users mobility and flexibility by enabling them to access the network without being tied to a physical location. To offer the benefits of this service to the University of Florida community we have deployed a campus-wide wireless network.
The Directory and Phone Number Assistance Service allows you to locate professional information for published faculty and staff.
NaviGator Chat is a web application that provides UF students, faculty, and staff the ability to chat with several large language models (LLM) and use image generation models with their own data sets. Chat is part of NaviGator AI suite which provides self-service access to AI services for UF students, faculty and staff.
UFIT Web Services support UF's critical path sites. These are forward facing websites with high visibility that advances the university's mission of teaching & learning.
UFDocuSign is an electronic digital signature service that allows you to securely sign and initial an electronic document instead of a paper copy.
Zoom is an easy to use video conferencing service that is now available to all students, faculty, and staff at UF for meetings, collaboration, and just to connect to other people. Any user with a Zoom account can create Zoom meetings that can accommodate up to 100 participants. In addition to individual accounts, webinar rooms of 100, 300, 500, and 1000 "seats" are available to be scheduled. Zoom is also available in Canvas for instructors to use in their courses.
Virtual Machine (VM) hosting provides VMs to run dedicated and customized Linux or Windows systems.