The Application Management System is utilized to manage the undergraduate and graduate application processes. The MyAdmissions Applicant Status page is designed to provide all applicants with the status of their application, view what documents have been received and are outstanding, and provide uploading functionality. Internally, the Slate system allows the Admissions Office, colleges, and departments to receive, review, and release application decisions. The system will also support prospective applicant management.
Salesforce is the Constituent Relationship Management system (CRM) used across campus to track and facilitate interactions between various offices and the students, staff, and faculty that those offices serve. The CRM provides a robust and well-integrated case management system as well as a platform for managing custom business processes. In addition to the base CRM, Marketing Cloud and Marketing Account Engagement (Pardot) can be deployed to provide mass communication and automated communication tools for larger units with established communications teams and protocols.
Applications and services dedicated to supporting Provost Office and Continuing Education functions, such as Academic Approval Tracking (change approvals for academic and BOG functions, such as degrees, programs, courses, syllabi, departmental name changes, etc.), GatorRater (online faculty course evaluations), Fora (collaboration & governance groups membership and documentation), Online Voting (balloting for non-student activities, such as UF departments and official business units), as well as XMS, RMS and UF Quick Registration (registration and financial administration for rolling enrollment and non-college credit activities).
Room and Event Management utilizes three applications to complete the assignment of classrooms and other physical resources: Ad Astra, PeopleSoft Campus Solutions and Event Management Software (EMS). Ad Astra provides an automated approach for the classroom assignments based preferences, number of students and location. These results are transferred into Campus Solutions and EMS to allow administrators to manage resource availability, create reservations, and track usage.
The Student Information System (Student Self Service) is the university's primary system for student administration including functionality supporting Student Administration, Records, and Finance. It also contains Classroom Maintenance, Minors, Classroom Reservations/Scheduling, Name Changes, and Common Course. Additionally, it includes Issues, Non-degree Registration, Correspondence Study/Grades, Petitions, Course Descriptions, Publications Orders/Inventory, Course Title Changes, Registration, Curriculum Changes, Repeat Course Information, Degree Applications/Processing, Social Security Number Corrections, Dismissal/Probation, Stock Requests, Distance Education, Transcript Requests, Drop/Add, Withdrawals, Student Financial Aid, Federal Verification, and Graduate Degree Certification Processing.