Services (3)

Anti-Plagiarism Tool for Students and Instructors

Turnitin is a suite of online tools designed to enhance the Assignment submission process.


Online application (GatorEvals) for students to assess instructors of UF college credit courses, access for instructors and departments to view the results of those evaluations, and integration with UF’s Learning Management System.

Scanning Services

The Learning Analytics and Assessment team (within the UFIT Center for Instructional Technology and Training) assists instructors with student assessment technology including the scanning and processing of optical mark reader (OMR) Scantron answer sheets (more info at ). Scanning and scoring of answer bubble sheets is included in the cost of purchasing the answer documents through our department. Additional scoring services include item analysis, arrange analysis, and providing additional lists or data in a file format compatible to the Canvas e-Learning system. Consultations are highly encouraged as we can often provide customized service and assessment technology support upon request.